Standing in the kitchen the other day with my spouse and the black animals nearby I break into a refrain from Fiddler on the Roof. “Underfed, overworked, Anitevka, where else could sorrow be so sweet”. And I thought, “musicals have been the soundtrack of my life” and wondered if others have gone through life the same way? I have Confidence from The Sound of Music was integral in my early travels, especially in the Lake District in England. It was not the wonderful deep soul searching I had envisioned after reading Doris Lessing’s Four Gated City.

Musicals had not well prepared me for the subterrean caverns that live in the mind and soul that Ms. Lessing pointed to.

How many others have soundtracks to their lives? I wonder this aloud, for I had read once in a book about Mindfulness and Depression that the songs that rise to the top of our consciousness are often cues from our subconscious.

Interesting to think about. Just a thought or two for the day.