OK, so my life is not a musical comedy

OK, so my life is not a musical comedy

Standing in the kitchen the other day with my spouse and the black animals nearby I break into a refrain from Fiddler on the Roof. “Underfed, overworked, Anitevka, where else could sorrow be so sweet”. And I thought, “musicals have been the soundtrack of my life” and...
The Shadow – Our Darker Side

The Shadow – Our Darker Side

Guest post – Dan Johnson, lessons4living.com/midlife The Jungian shadow is composed of the dark and unknown aspects of personality. The shadow is created by the oppositeness of life and the need for choice. To choose to be one way is to choose not to be another....
OK, so my life is not a musical comedy

Lessons For Living

An “awakening” is a moment of clarity in which a new insight or understanding is gained. With this new awareness the experience of life is seen differently, and new possibilities are opened. Changes in patterns of thought, emotions, and behavior occur. An...